Saturday, August 21, 2010

Field Days

Lately Mom has been taking me to a nearby soccer field so that I can play with our neighbor Becky and her two dogs: Kai and Cricket.  These "playdates" as Mom calls them have been the highlight of my week!  I finally get to hang out with the guys and do some serious tackling!  Cricket, the heeler/beagle, is really fast, though, so it's a bit of a challenge.  Sometimes I let him get far enough ahead so I can see where he's headed and cut him off and then BAM!  Ambush!  He always springs right back up and goes after me so I guess it's pretty fair.  Kai is a little older than us so he keeps to himself mostly.  Every now and again he does a drive-by, er--drive-through--and sends me high-tailing it.  It is AWESOME.  Mom says I'm looking nice and fit for Nationals in September.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I came across your blog from Corbins blog - you are a handsome boy!! I cant stand when both of mine are on my bed panting and shaking my bed, too funny - I thought I was the only one!!
